About Us
My parents, Billy and Nikki Jones, bought the Lambert-Gann Publishing company in the early 1970's from Ed Lambert-W.D.Gann's partner. With the company came the writings, charts, and life work of W.D. Gann. Through the years Gann's books were republished-some with odd covers-until originals were found. Billy put together what is now considered the Commodity and Stock Courses-which are compilations of many of W.D.'s small courses. Over time, many pieces of Gann's puzzle have been found-and there are many more to be discovered. We later renamed the company WDGann, Inc., and more recently created extra arms of the company WordJones LLC, WDGann Research, and the Supply and Demand Letter.
We are located in a small farming community in southeastern Washington State.
You can trust that anything from us, is directly from Gann's hand.
We are the source for W.D.Gann's writings, research, and lifework.