Genesis of Christianity by Prof. Hilton Hotema
1967 Hotema started Sunday school-he went regularly until he was fifteen. At twelve, he began the study of the Bible in earnest. He became a preacher and after preaching in scores of different states, finally found that the truth was not being given to the people. He began comparing the various Bible and religious books and found many startling facts which were never given to the people from the pulpit- never taught in public schools, nor in Sunday schools. He found the average preacher knew little about the history of the Bible, and was shouting about things that were not true. He discovered why the Roman Empire was plunged into mental darkness with the birth of Christianity. That darkness was necessary to help the priesthood frighten people, to keep the priesthood in high places, and to drive the multitude into the church, for the sake of profit and power. He shows why Moses could not have written the Pentateuch-the first five books of the Bible-the account of his own demise- Deut.34
Softcover 80 pages
ISBN 978-0-7873-0425-6
8.5 x 11 large text printed from original text by Health Research Books