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Wright Aeroplane Chart Set

Wright Aeroplane Chart Set

$ 239.00

On May 9th in 1927, William Delbert Gann finished his famous novel, The Tunnel Thru The Air, Or Looking Back From 1940.  Contained within the novel is a wealth of knowledge dealing with his trading and forecasting.


We are releasing from the Lambert-Gann vault another set of amazing charts having to do withThe Tunnel Thru The Air.
These WRIGHT AEROPLANE charts begin in 1921 and conclude in 1929. The two charts contain weekly, monthly and yearly data in great detail in Gann's charting style. The method and style is exactly the same as the previously released Yellow Truck Charts (Major Motors).

On page 87 of The Tunnel Thru The Air W.D. Gann goes into fantastic detail about cycles and identifies Wilbur and Orville Wright. Three pages further on Page 90, Right Aeroplane is introduced into the story. The forecast is clearly spelled out on subsequent pages, namely 146,161,181 and finally on page 239 where Mr. Gann or Robert Gordon forecast that Right Aeroplane would have a big rise into 1929.

The Wright Aeroplane Charts show this forecast to be extremely accurate for 1928 and 1929.

Read the book and study the charts and you too will see the future unfold in front of your eyes.

The Tunnel Thru the Air  pg. 87

In 1879, a gasoline motor was invented by Selden. In 1892, the first automobile was operated by C. A. Duryea.  Note that this was repeating the 500-year cycle, and 100 years before the first attempt was made to start an iron railway, and in 1783, the first time a balloon went up which carried a passenger. 
In our modern times the first attempt by man to conquer the air by means of plane or balloon was in June, 1783, when Joseph and Stephen Montgolfier built the first balloon, but it carried no passengers. In November, 1783, for the first time man went up in a balloon that sailed over Paris. In 1859, John Wise sailed in a balloon from St. Louis to Henderson, N. Y., in twenty hours; the greatest distance accomplished up to that time. In 1900, Count Zeppelin flew the first dirigible.  In November, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wrightmade their first flight in an airplane which rose under its own power. Note that his was 100 years after Fulton's first steamboat went up the Hudson, again repeating the 100-year cycle. In July, 1908, Glenn H. Curtiss flew his first airplane. In July, 1909, Charles K. Hamilton flew from New York to Philadelphia -- seventy-four miles. Note 100 years before this, in 1807, Fulton started the first steamship line up the Hudson.
From 1914 to 1918, airplanes were used in the great World War; 100 years before steamers began crossing the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. In June, 1919, first non-stop flight from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Ireland.  In July, 1919, the R-34 made a successful flight from Scotland to Mineola, Long Island. The R-34 made the trip in 64 hours and 13 minutes…


The Tunnel Thru The Air  pg. 90


SUPPLEMENTING his former letter, Robert Gordon wrote:


I am anxious to make some money in my cotton deals and get into wheat for the big advance that I figure is coming this spring and summer. Then I want to be in position to buy some Right Aeroplane and Sell Major Motors and other stocks short, because I believe that in the next few years I can make a fortune buying Right Aeroplane stock and selling short Major Motors. 
Just as the railroad locomotive attained great speed from 1834 to 1839, and the big steamers cut down the time between New York and Europe, so will airplanes 100 years later cut the time around the world and to all points of the world. Just as the automobile has supplanted the railway passenger trains in carrying passengers across the country, so will the airplane take the place of railroads and automobiles in transportation through the air, because it will be much faster and safer. I believe that the airplane described by Ezekiel is going to be the model of a great plane in the future and I would like to make money enough to be the man to build the first plane according to the plans laid down in the Bible. 
Mr Kennelworth, I want to help you and show my appreciation for all your kindness to me. I would like to help you make back the money that you lost in the big slump in stocks in the Fall of 1919, and believe that if you will buy some July or October cotton right now, and hold it, you will make a lot of money. To show your faith in me, buy at least 100 bales…


The Tunnel Thru The Air  pg. 146

“Major Motors advances above 200, a new high level.” Robert had figured out that Major Motors would not advance much above 200 before it would be a short sale for big profits. He figured out from the cycle of Major Motors that it would hold until along in June and July and that it would decline to a very low level in 1928, so he decided he was going to go short to hold for a long campaign and make a fortune. 
Robert was still holding his Right Aeroplane stock, which he had bought at 31 on May 21st, the day that Captain Lindbergh completed his successful flight to Paris. He figured that he could make a great fortune by buying Right Aeroplane stock and holding it for years and at the same time selling Major Motors short.  The markets in Wheat, Cotton, Major Motors and Right Aeroplane were all doing just exactly as he had calculated they would. The fact that he was making money on Right Aeroplane stock encouraged him to continue his work on his own plane. 
Robert did not forget sweet Marie or what she meant to him. At the same time he realized what the study of the Bible had brought him and felt that thru the aid of that book and the knowledge and wisdom he had gained through its teaching, there would be a way to find Marie if she were alive. He believed she was and he would hope and wait. But in the meantime he would try to make some money in order to provide all the luxuries and comforts for her when he found her…


The Tunnel Thru The Air  pg. 161


Robert arose early on June 9th. Hurried down to the desk to ascertain if any telegrams had come over night or any 'phone calls, but found no telegrams and no messages. It was yet too early for the morning mail. Robert secured the morning papers and saw his personal notices which he had instructed the papers to continue to run. He had added the name of his hotel and telephone number so that Marie could reach him promptly.  Somehow he had a feeling that just about 11 or 12 o’clock that day Marie would call at the hotel or he would have some good news from her. 
After having his breakfast, he waited for the first mail, but there were no letters for him and up to this time no telegrams had been received. He decided to go down to a brokerage office and see how the market opened. Cotton and wheat had advanced the day before and cotton opened higher and was strong this morning, and wheat was also holding up well. Robert found that Major Motors was selling around 203 and he knew that his broker must have sold 500 shares short for him at this price. He figured that Major Motors would not advance above 205 1/2 before it started on a big decline.  So he said to himself, "This is going to be a real happy birthday. I am making money fast now in wheat and cotton and will soon be making money in stocks." Right Aeroplane was also strong and his profits were piling up on this. He figured up his profits on Cotton, Wheat and Stocks and on this birthday he was worth $30,000.


The Tunnel Thru The Air  pg. 181

Robert to keep up his courage for he felt sure that all would end well. On the train to New York they talked of Robert’s plans. Mr Kennelworth said he was anxious for him and Walter to be together again and believed it was for the best. Robert told him that he had been making money in wheat and cotton and that Right Aeroplanewas moving his way; that he was Short of Major Motors and expected to make a fortune selling it all the way down. Mr Kennelworth expressed his continued faith in Robert’s ability and told him that he was going to follow him on the market. While he admired him for his great love for Marie and his faith in her, worry would not bring her back, he said, and he should get down to business, study the Bible, and work on his inventions and leave the matter of Marie’s return to the Lord, trusting and believing in Him who knoweth and doeth all things well. Told Robert that he was a “doer” and not a dreamer; that he had demonstrated the greatest ability of any young man he had ever known. That he had the pep and quoted an epigram, “The pessimist says it can’t be done, the optimist says, let George do it:  Meanwhile the peptomist has done it.” He said: “Robert, you and Lindbergh are peptomists. You do it while the other fellow watches and waits, or says it can’t be done.”

He quoted a poem from Tennyson:

I cannot hide that some have striven

Achieving calm, to whom was given

The joy that mixes man with heaven.

Who rowing hard against the stream,

Saw distant gates of Eden gleam

And did not dream it was a dream.


The Tunnel Thru The Air  pg. 239

Secret and have it ready to aid the United States at a time when they would need it most.  Robert figured that there would be a big bull campaign in cotton during 1929 so he had started buying early in the year, expecting a big advance later. He had also forecast the rapid advance of certain classes of stocks. During 1928 he had closed a successful bear campaign in Major Motors and was still holding his Right Aeroplane stock, which had continued to advance, and he figured that it would have a big rise during 1929.  His fortune was piling up rapidly, despite all the money he was spending on his new inventions.


This is a huge chart set.  The weekly chart is 5 feet tall!  Have you ever been involved in a bull market that took your own charts to the ceiling?

We have printed these charts at an angle so that they can be on one piece of paper.  You can trim the charts any way you like, or just hang them at an angle..a true conversation piece.

As an added bonus, two pictures are featured on the chart-the original cover of The Tunnel Thru The Air and a rare photo of W.D. Gann and his son standing by the Silver Star aircraft.

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